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70 Pregled različnih znamk pnevmatik s strani voznikov
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Bodi na tekočem z našimi najnovejšimi novicami in videoposnetki

2025 BMW M135 xDrive Review: New Looks, New Tech – All Good News?
If you are a BMW fan and love a hot hatch, then we have the review for you. In this review, Vicki takes a closer look at the new BMW M135.

Tuthill Porsche 911K Review, Track-Tested: What Does it Feel Like to Drive at 11,000RPM?
In this review, we explore an extraordinary car: a 1970s Porsche 911, transformed by Tuthill into a lightweight driver’s car that revs to 11,000rpm

Alpine A290 GTS Review, Track-Tested: Has Alpine’s Motorsport DNA Perfected the EV Hot Hatch?
In this review, Vicki explores the Alpine A290, which she describes as a performance-focused version of its sibling, the Renault 5 E-Tech.

Ferrari Purosangue Full Review: Is this the ultimate crossover between performance and practicality?
Join Vicki Butler-Henderson as she explores Ferrari's first four-door, the Purosangue. This "thoroughbred" blends sports car DNA with SUV functionality.

2025 BMW M4 Competition Review: Midlife Refresh with More Power, Smarter Tech – How Does it Compare?
Discover the BMW M4 Competition, a high-performance coupé with all-wheel-drive grip, rear-wheel-drive fun, and sharper design from its latest refresh.

Classic Defender redefined by Twisted: The ultimate blend of power and luxury?
Experience rugged luxury in the Land Rover Defender reimagined by Twisted, blending classic charm, modern performance, and off-road capability.